Thinking of you, Audrey, makes me want to will be missed
Jackie McGinness
3rd November 2009
Aunt Audrey's memory will always live on - in 1980 she gave me her recipe for shortbread and I have continued to make it ever since. I make it for all my family, friends and even get special requests to make it for colleagues at work. It's affectionately known as Aunt Audrey's shortbread.
My thoughts are with Samantha and Jacqueline and their families.
Jackie McGinness
30th October 2009
Audrey was part of our extended family and will be missed by all of us. Nicole was very fond of her and thought of her as her other gran. Peace & Love Audrey. Love Jacqui, Ewan, Nicole & Jenna xxxx
Jackie McGinness
27th October 2009